A Community Reaching A Community

Author: Pastor Steve (Page 41 of 48)

Senior Pastor at Maranatha

“The History of Tolerance”

“Every culture and every age necessarily displays some tolerance and some intolerance. No culture can be tolerant of everything or intolerant of everything: it is simply not possible. A culture that tolerates, say, genocide (e.g., the Nazis) will not tolerate, say, the Jews it wants to kill or homosexual practice. A culture that tolerates just about every sexual liaison may nevertheless balk at, say, rape, or pedophilia, or in many cases bigamy and polygamy.” D.A. Carson Continue reading

“Preserving A Place For Truth”

G.K. Chesterton is considered one of the best writers of the 20th century. “He said something about everything and he said it better than anybody else.” He was very good at expressing himself, but more importantly, he had something very good to express. Born in London, G.K. Chesterton was educated at St. Paul’s, but never went to college. He went to art school. Continue reading

“Tolerance and Morality”

Jack Phillips (pictured here with Pastor Hair) was recently in Arizona to speak at the CAP banquet in Phoenix. Jack Phillips is a Colorado cake artist who opened his bakery more than 20 years ago not only to provide for his family and his employees, but also to serve his community, share his artistic talents, and – most importantly – to honor God through his work every day. The very name of Jack’s bakery – Masterpiece Cakeshop – is a reference to his favorite Bible verse, Ephesians 2:10, which says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
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“Evil and the New Tolerance”

Daniel encountered great evil in his day. He was a man “against the flow.” Looking at the life and times of Daniel in the biblical account we have seen a man who unwaveringly held to the truth of God while at the same time being saturated in the culture and politics of his day. After a tragic event recently, the governor of that state referred to what happened as “evil.” He said there was no other way to describe it. Evil is not a word you hear very often in the public arena or privately today. Continue reading

“What Is the Trinity?”

The Trinity – God, although one, nevertheless exists in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The word Trinity is not in the Bible. It comes from the Latin word trinitas, which means “threeness.” But even though the word is not in the Bible, the trinitarian idea is there, and it is most important. It is important because there can be no real blessing either upon ourselves or our work if we neglect any one of the persons of the Godhead. Continue reading

“Triumph in the Midst of Evil”

Recently a Governor referred to a tragic event in which many people were senselessly killed as “evil, it is just evil.” The point of Daniel 12 is not to describe the wickedness of the final days. Nor is it even to describe the wickedness of Daniel’s own day (or ours). The evil of his age was vividly known to Daniel already. The point of the chapter is to encourage God’s people to triumph in the midst of evil. How are they to do that? Continue reading

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