James Reeves, senior pastor of City on a Hill Church in Fort Worth Texas has launched a video series to help women address the needs of sexual abuse survivors as data suggests that nearly one in five women has experienced completed or attempted rape in her lifetime. One third of survivors say they experienced rape for the first time between 11 and 17. One in eight rape survivors’ reports being victimized before age 10 and 90% of the time the abuser is someone the child knows and trusts. This is a subject that the Church can and should talk about, God’s Word says a lot about it.
I am thankful Pastor Steve and the Elders are willing to help women who have experienced the trauma of these violations. Because of shame and fear this topic has not been addressed. As I and several other ladies went through this series, we were made aware that many women suffer in silence.
This series is open to all women interested in learning more about the prevalence and help with prevention. I believe the Fearless Series for Women is a tool that can help women everywhere move beyond the pain of the trauma in their lives. It is a tool to help get the conversation started in a safe environment. If you or someone you know would be interested in viewing this series or would like more information, please call me @ 928-521-4468.
Blessings, Cindy Silliman