Welcome to Maranatha Bible Church.
We would like to invite you to join us for worship service on Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
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Advent 2024
What is Advent?
Advent is a season of four Sundays that mark the beginning of a new church year. The ancient Christian church celebrated Advent as a kind of fresh start to faith and worship. Advent is a time to anticipate and spiritually prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior: God’s gift of love to us. At the same time, Advent anticipates and hopes for Jesus’ glorious return at the end of the age.
The word “advent” comes from the Latin advenio meaning “coming” or “arrival”.
The traditional Bible readings for Advent teach how the prophets, kings, and forerunners prepared the way for the coming Messiah.
Advent Colors
Purple has traditionally been the main Advent color, symbolizing repentance and fasting. A royal color, purple looks forward to reception of the coming King who is celebrated during Advent.
Pink or rose is used during third Sunday. It represents joy, anticipating the coming celebration.
White is the color of the center candle, representing Christ as the sinless, pure Savior.
Advent Schedule:
Sunday, December 1: Week 1, Purple Prophecy Candle [Royalty] | God With Us Brings Hope | He. 6:13-20 | Anticipation & Hope of Messiah’s Coming
Sunday, December 8: Week 2, Purple Preparation Candle [Repentance] | God With Us Brings Love | Jn. 3:16; Jn. 4:7-8 | God’s Love Revealed in Christ
Sunday, December 15: Week 3, Pink Shepherd’s Candle | God With Us Brings Joy | Jn. 15:11 | Joy of Christ’s Coming & Celebration of His Birth
Sunday, December 22: Week 4 | Purple Angel’s Candle | God With Us Brings Peace | Jn. 14:27 | Repentance & Preparation for the Lord’s Coming
Tuesday, December 24: White Christ’s Candle | God With Us is Jesus | Jn. 1:14
Recent Baptisms
Nilson Artiga
Emily Sweeten